Yellow Tomorrow

Solutions for our customers


In southeastern France, two former used fuel storage pools required dismantling of all of their stainless steel walls and metal structures in one of the largest dismantling projects of its kind in France.

Orano developed an integrated solution, assuming the risks and responsibility for the project. The engineering studies focused on optimizing safety, costs and planning of the operation. The use of innovative technologies was essential. As a result, the use of the largest existing remote-controlled cutting machine on the market minimized the exposure of the operators to radiation.


  • Electricians (nuclear 

    energy facility operators)

  • Research reactor operators


  • Nuclear fuel cycle players

  • National agencies

  • Industry players

Remediation and cleanup of Fukushima plant, Japan

After the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the No. 2 reactor was heavily damaged. Access to the reactor to recover the corium was essential in order to safeguard and clean up the plant.

To meet this challenge, Orano developed a custom technological solution called TOrNAD. Specifically designed to fit the conditions of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, this technology facilitates the collection and management of waste. The operation made it possible to:

  • create an access way to the reactor vessel using targeted

     hydro-demolition technology;

  • recover and transfer effluents using a suction turbine

     technology suitable for remote operations.

The validation of the results resulted in the deployment of a full-scale demonstration test enabling the recovery, transfer and solid-liquid separation of the waste.