Yellow Tomorrow

Solutions for our customers

Solutions for our customers

Almost 200 customers

in 30 countries


  • 11% Americas
  • 39% rest of Europe
  • 36% France
  • 13% Asia-Pacific
  • 1% Africa and Middle East

Unloading of used nuclear fuel in the United States

As part of a contract to remove used fuel from a storage pool at a closed US reactor, our teams put their heads together to find a solution to remove a defective fuel assembly with a damaged safety handle. The problem of safely transferring the assembly had remained unresolved since 1976.

After an in-depth analysis, the Orano teams designed and certified a custom “defective fuel package” system, including a specially designed lifting device. Using these tools, the operations team successfully removed and placed the defective fuel assembly in dry storage.

Also, a new industrial record was achieved by offloading the pool 10 months faster than the previous industry benchmark.