A look back at the news, reports, world conferences, and national and European political decisions that impacted the future and people’s perceptions of nuclear energy.
This is the number of scenarios studied by the French electricity transmission system operator (Réseau de transport d’électricité, RTE) for France to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050: three scenarios involving a nuclear/ renewable energy mix and three 100% renewable scenarios. The scenarios that include nuclear energy are the least costly, entailing the least uncertainty, having the least impact in terms of land use and reclamation, and generating the least tension on certain essential resources such as critical metals. www.rte-france.com
November 30-December 2, 2021
Nuclear energy is the keystone of our energy system. […] The unique feature of the French solution is the complementary nature of nuclear and renewable energy. […] We are faced with a challenge: an exponential rise in electricity demand over the coming years. If we want more decarbonized electricity, we need more nuclear reactors.
Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery
The Glasgow Pact, which was signed by 200 member states, says it is imperative to reduce the use of fossil fuels worldwide, especially coal.
CO2 emissions must be reduced by 45% by 2039
Glasgow Pact