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Fulfilling careers for women at Orano

Fulfilling careers for women at Orano

In a conversation with 7 colleagues, Orano's CEO, Philippe Knoche, speaks about challenges the Group faces in bringing women into the Company. A friendly and insightful encounter.

Global situation

LUZ C. H. - How is Orano facing the various world crises?

PHILIPPE KNOCHE - We are living in turbulent times, every year is marked by exceptional events: the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, inflation, and so on. This series of consecutive crises is forcing us to adapt and, above all, build resilience by staying focused on major societal issues like the phase-out of fossil fuels, preservation of resources and medical research. These issues are enshrined in our corporate purpose. Our goal is to provide reliable solutions in response to the challenges of energy sovereignty and climate change.

Luz Cely Hostos

Industrialization Manager, Battery Recycling Project, Mining BU