Yellow Tomorrow The place to be

The nuclear fuel cycle


This diagram shows the nuclear fuel cycle. 

It all starts at Orano Mining, where natural uranium concentrate is extracted, which is then sent to Orano Malvési, for the first conversion stage. The second conversion stage takes place at Orano Tricastin, more precisely at the Phillipe Coste plant, followed by an enrichment process at the George Besse 2 plant. And storage of usable materials such as depleted uranium, reprocessed uranium, takes place at Orano Tricastin and the Bessines mining site.

Nuclear fuel is manufactured and sent to nuclear power facilities for power generation. The used nuclear fuel is then sent to Orano La Hague (Processing of used nuclear fuel) for the Cigéo project (Long-lived intermediate/high level waste storage).

The process of used nuclear fuel produces Plutonium which is then sent to Orano Melox, for the recycling/manufacturing of MOX fuel, which is then sent to nuclear power facilities for power generation. Uranyl nitrate, also produced with the used nuclear fuel, is sent to Orano Tricastin.