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Orano Med

Lead-212 properties

Lead-212 is a very rare alpha-emitting radioisotope descended from the thorium-232 decay chain. Orano’s expertise in cutting-edge nuclear technologies has made it possible to develop a unique process for the extraction and purification of lead-212. This rare metal, which has significant cytotoxic properties, is used in the development of several promising targeted cancer treatments referred to as “Targeted Alpha Therapy."

The promise of Targeted Alpha Therapy

Targeted Alpha Therapy is a technology that combines lead-212 with different biological molecules (peptides, antibodies) to target cancer cell receptors or antigens.

As such, it makes it possible to recognize and destroy tumor cells selectively, while limiting impact on the surrounding healthy cells.

Orano Med’s strengths

Orano Med’s strategy is based on developing a portfolio of cancer treatments using lead-212, but also on a reliable supply of these innovative drugs. Boasting an unrivaled source of raw material (thorium-232), Orano Med has developed a patented chemical process for producing lead-212 on a large scale at a reasonable cost.

Upcoming advances

The Orano Med portfolio consists of molecules developed in-house or in partnership with other biotech or pharmaceutical companies based in France and abroad. A dozen developments are underway, including two clinical trials on humans:

  • a phase 2 trial on neuroendocrine tumors with AlphaMedixTM;
  • a phase 1 trial on different types of solid tumor using an anti-GRPR peptide as the targeting molecule.

Reliable supply of lead-212

In order to produce and distribute lead-212-labeled drugs, Orano Med has set up facilities without parallel anywhere in the world.

  • In France, in Bessines-sur-Gartempe, Haute-Vienne, the Maurice Tubiana Laboratory (LMT) produces lead-212 (212Pb) precursors radium-228 and thorium-228 for the manufacture of lead-212 doses for preclinical research and clinical trials.
  • In the U.S., in Plano, Texas, the Domestic Distribution & Purification Unit (DDPU) produces lead-212 for North America and drugs for ongoing clinical trials in compliance with pharmaceutical industry standards.
  • In the U.S., in Brownsburg, Indiana, the first Alpha Therapy Laboratory (ATLab) is currently under construction. From 2024, the laboratory will carry out large-scale production of lead-212 targeted treatments and oversee their distribution in North America. The construction of other ATLabs is currently under review in order to supply global needs.
  • 80 employees in France and the U.S.
  • 2 preclinical laboratories dedicated to developing Targeted Alpha Therapy
  • 1 industrial platform for producing 212Pb
  • 12 patented inventions
  • 2 clinical trials in progress