Yellow Tomorrow The place to be

The assets of nuclear energy

Mining College

The Mining College trains Group engineers, managers and technicians in mining exploration professions. Around 40 training courses allow them to learn new skills such as mining techniques, geological investigation and the economic valuation of projects. The goal is to give meaning to their work, show how each employee is involved in the mining process and measure their added value.

Dismantling and Services

To support the growth of its business, Orano set up the Orano DS École des Métiers, which specializes in dismantling and services designed to support the operation of nuclear facilities and the management of radioactive waste. The school offers training courses leading to certification spanning a wide range of occupations (intervention agent, radiation protection technician, scaffolder, maintenance technician, etc.), alternating theoretical teaching and field practice focusing on the specificities of the nuclear industry. No prior qualifications are required for these courses.

Focus on other training courses

Management School

Orano set up the Management School as a place for learning, openness and innovative experiences to meet the challenges of the Group’s managerial transformation. Every year, the school trains over 2,000 employees in France and abroad.

Fostering cohesion and cross-functionality, the Management School offers managerial courses and cross-functional training, particularly in the areas of commerce, operational excellence, safety, communication and innovation.

Top 5 hiring professions

  • Studies - Engineering - Projects
  • Production - Operations
  • Maintenance
  • Decommissioning - Dismantling
  • Radiation protection
3 questions from our TikTok subscribers


Is it possible to join a nuclear profession without qualifications? Yes. Orano will train you under a professional qualification contract so that you obtain the necessary qualifications to access a wide range of occupations, such as scaffolder on nuclear facilities, dismantling intervention agent or factory facility operator.

Do you offer work-study contracts from BTS higher technical diploma level upwards? Of course! In the engineering departments, factories, sites or at head office, we offer around 600 work-study contracts every year that are open to all profiles, from CAP occupational proficiency certificate to two-year Master’s degree level! The Group earned the “Happy Trainees” label, as 90% of our work-study students and interns recommended Orano.

Do you offer an attractive starting salary? When you become an employee at Orano, you receive a compensation package depending on the nature of your employment contract. This includes bonuses, health protection and fringe benefits offered by the Social and Economic Committee.


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