A look back at the news, reports, world conferences, and national or European political decisions that impacted the future and people’s perceptions of nuclear energy.
At the end of September 2022, the International Atomic Energy Agency forecast that the world’s nuclear power production capacity will double by 2050 to reach 870 GW,, compared to just over 400 GW today.
By including nuclear energy in its taxonomy in July 2022, the EU recognized its contribution to the fight against climate change. However, while it encourages sustainable investment, this regulatory framework is not a blank check.
It is subject to specific environmental targets and criteria.
The European Parliament has listened to scientists and acknowledged that sustainable investment in nuclear energy will help the EU achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
26% increase in nuclear support among French people over 3 years: 60% vs 34%
(Odoxa opinion poll, January 2023)
The Netherlands, Poland and Sweden want to build new reactors. Belgium is postponing planned shutdowns.