Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Benefits of nuclear energy

Benefits of nuclear energy

Low carbon

Nuclear energy is one of the world’s least CO2-emitting forms of power, with emissions comparable to wind power, 4 times lower than solar, 40 times lower than gas, and 70 times lower than coal. Its very small CO2 footprint makes it an indispensable component of energy transition.


Nuclear energy contributes to domestic energy independence. In France, with predominantly nuclear-generated electricity produced domestically, nuclear energy is a crucial asset for France’s energy sovereignty.

Reliable and controllable

Thanks to its robust production system, the nuclear industry supplies large quantities of electricity continuously,

Concentrated energy

Because uranium has a much higher energy density than hydrocarbons (100 g of uranium produces as much energy as 1 metric ton of oil), it can be stored more easily. France has several years’ worth of stockpiled depleted uranium. Moreover, uranium is an abundant resource available on all five continents.


Orano recycles nuclear fuel to produce new fuel, thus helping to preserve natural resources. In France, 1 in 10 lightbulbs is powered by electricity generated from recycled nuclear fuel.

Critical in the electricity mix

In all the energy transition scenarios studied by the IPCC and IEA for producing low-carbon electricity, significant development of renewable energies can only be envisaged in conjunction with nuclear power, in order to avoid reliance on fossil fuels.

Innovative tech

The nuclear energy sector is developing expertise and technologies that are unique in the world, enabling us to explore other markets, in the service of a more sustainable world.