Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Our industrial platforms

Our industrial platforms

Orano has some of the most modern facilities in the world, recognized for their innovative technologies and processes and their respect for the environment.

Orano Malvési

Orano Malvési carries out the first phase of uranium conversion, which consists in purifying the natural uranium ore supplied by the mines to produce uranium tetrafluoride (UF4).

World leader in uranium conversion

90 million homes supplied with electricity each year from uranium enriched by Orano

Orano Tricastin

The Tricastin site includes two facilities with worldwide standing: Philippe Coste (second conversion phase) and Georges Besse 2 (enrichment).

No. 3 in the world for enrichment

Largest nuclear complex in Europe

Orano la Hague

The la Hague site processes nuclear fuels to recover and recycle energy materials and produce new low-carbon electricity.

1,000 + metric tons of fuel processed every year

Over 55 years of industrial experience

Orano Melox

Orano Melox produces Mox, a fuel mix produced from recycled nuclear fuels.

Global benchmark facility for Mox fuel fabrication

44 reactors worldwide have produced electricity from Mox to date

Orano Bessines

The site hosts major industrial activities including the Innovation Center for Extractive Metallurgy (CIME) and Orano Med facilities devoted to medical research.

6 centers of expertise

2 research laboratories