Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Changing paths



From the weights room to the control room. Benjamin’s career path defies the odds! Now a system operator, this former coach is an example of a successful job make-over.

What does your job involve?

I’m a system operator at the Orano La Hague site. I use a PC to remotely operate the equipment that purifies and concentrates plutonium. From the samples taken, I can check the plutonium concentration level.

Do you enjoy your job?

Yes, very much so! I’ve been made to feel very welcome in the team . There’s a real family spirit. And the shift work frees up my time for sports.

What do you like most about your job?

No two days are alike. I’m still learning every day. Having to build up my knowledge of chemistry and nuclear has really helped me grow. It’s fascinating!

How did you become a system operator?

Before this, I was a sports coach . I thought that without more advanced studies, I wouldn’t be able to work in industry. But in fact, I was given the chance to take a Certificate of Professional Qualification in Industry (CQPI) a diploma co-financed by the French government and Orano. After a year, I was hired on a permanent basis as a production operator.

What’s your professional goal?

As a young father, I care about the opportunities for career development and the stability offered by the group. For the future, I’m aiming for the role of technical advisor then shift manager.

Would you encourage a friend to join the group?

Yes, absolutely . Because the jobs are interesting, there are good prospects to make your way up, and the comradeship. But also because of the sense of contributing to the production of low-carbon energy, in an industry that knows how to recycle nuclear fuel.

How do you spend your free time?

I do a lot of sport: fitness, body building, climbing. I also reached the final round of the Ninja Warrior show (season five in 2020).