Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Vision for 2050


Orano’s expertise in transforming and delivering value from nuclear materials is reflected everywhere in our lifestyles today and will be even more so tomorrow. Let’s envision some of the possibles on the road to 2050.

  • Using the unique properties of a rare radioisotope, lead-212, cancer treatments target cancer cells without damaging surrounding healthy cells.


  • Strategic components of EV batteries are recycled to make new batteries.


  • A new generation of mini-reactors produces low-carbon heat and reduces the volume and lifetime of nuclear waste.


    Nuclear and renewable energies make significant contribution to net-zero climate goals.  


    Nuclear-generated electricity is abundant and controllable, accessible to all and produced continuously. 


    Stable isotopes are used in quantum physics, medicine and basic research.  


    By contributing to the fabrication of nuclear fuels for power plants, Orano is at the center of the immense challenge of electrifying uses.


    More than 3 out of 10 light bulbs are powered by nuclear electricity from multi-recycled fuel. 30 years ago, this figure was 1 in 10 light bulbs using recycled Mox fuel.


    Electric mobility contributes to decarbonizing transportation.


    Diversification of uranium ore supply sources enables us to maintain more than 20 years of resources and reserves for our customers.