Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Through the eye of Aaron Schatzmann


AARON SCHATZMANNR&D researcher and project leader, Orano Med

Aaron has been part of the Orano Med team for six years. His work gives him a sense of purpose because he is contributing to the discovery of innovative drugs for treating cancer. But that doesn’t stop him from playing baseball whenever he gets the chance!

What’s your job?

I’m an R&D researcher and project leader. I supervise the day-to-day activities of our R&D team and manage various internal projects as well as external collaborations.

What’s the objective of the unit you’re part of?

The DDPU (Domestic Distribution & Purification Unit) is located in Plano, Texas. It produces and distributes targeted alpha therapies for early-phase clinical trials and conducts preclinical development of lead-212 drugs to feed into Orano Med’s pipeline. DDPU aims to offer a reliable supply chain for these innovative drugs.

What do you like about your job?

I appreciate having an in-depth view of all our projects and trying to move them on to clinical development. It’s an enormous brain teaser we have to solve. Only certain conditions work with particular targets and certain drugs, and it’s up to our team to find the pieces that fit together!

Why would you recommend Orano Med to a friend?

I often hear people say they want to get into an area where the can “help.” At Orano Med, we are actively trying to beat cancer. It’s hard to imagine anything more exciting!

What’s your favorite sport?

Baseball and college football are my favorite sports!

Why did you choose Orano Med?

At Orano Med we’re working on radiopharmaceuticals that can radically change patients’ lives. I’m delighted to be part of the advances being achieved by Orano Med.

A goal you’d be proud to achieve?

Seeing one of our drugs approved by the FDA would be a tremendous achievement.

The best part of your day?

It’s probably a mix between the moments when I get to interact with our team, and seeing our studies showing promising results.