Yellow Tomorrow - They make Orano's flame shine bright

Through the eye of Julia Noyeries


JULIA NOYERIESFacility leader

Julia is the leader in her facility! This is a job at the forefront of energy sovereignty and the drive for low-carbon energy.

What’s your job?

I ensure that the uranium enrichment process at the Georges Besse 2 plant runs smoothly to obtain material that can be used as fuel in nuclear reactors . I coordinate the teams and operations to ensure the plant functions optimally, making sure progress and maintenance reports are up to date.

How do you become a facility leader?

I completed a two-year vocational degree (BTS) in process management through a work-study program at Orano, to qualify as an operating technician. Then I was hired as a facility leader.

What do you like most about your job?

Each day is different. Despite an enrichment process that remains the same, there are always unexpected twists. I enjoy the challenge of monitoring a very rare technological process that is extremely interesting from a technical standpoint.

Why did you join the Orano team?

Nuclear energy has concrete impacts in our daily life. It plays an essential role in improving our quality of life and feeds into progress that we all benefit from. I feel I’m playing a concrete role in producing low-carbon energy.

Would you encourage a friend to join the group?

Yes, definitely. . Orano has all the resources of a major group. It offers a broad array of jobs and career development opportunities.

Do you have a favorite sport?

I’ve been riding horses as a pastime for more than 10 years. I’ve also done competitive triathlons. When I have the time, I like running, swimming, and cycling..

A goal you would be proud to achieve?

I’d like to continue combining sports and work as freely as I do today. And I also aim to climb the career ladder.

When do you switch off?

When I’m doing sports, for sure!

The coach’s advice?

Believe in your dreams and go after them with everything you’ve got. When you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything!